from Klamath Lake is considered by scientists as the most complete food
supplement that can exist
Klamath algae, or Aphanizomenon Flos Aquae (AFA) Latin for "invisible
flower water life" is an edible blue-green algae.
the first food responsible for preparing our atmosphere to reject oxygen,
American professor Daryl Kollman said that algae produce 500 billion tons of
annual food and 90% of the oxygen we breathe.
grows in a particular habitat in the Klamath Lake in Oregon, USA, considered
the largest reserve of fresh water. The Lake is 1262m above sea level and is
protected southwards by Mount Shasta. This Lake receives unique sunshine and is
fed by underground rivers and tributaries. Lake Klamath contains a particularly
mineral-rich water that is extremely pure. The purity of the water is due to
the 17 waterfalls that flow into the lake and completely renew it four times a
year. The capacity of the AFA algae to fix atmospheric nitrogen, allows its
exceptional growth. The AFA has been sold for over 30 years as a single dietary
supplement for health.
harvest is from June to November when the algae bloom, some studies of the lake
at this time contain more than 7000 tons of AFA. The reproductive cycle is as
surprising as it is in just one day. To avoid oxidation harvesting is done by a
special process called bioactive dehydration, ensuring all conservation
properties of seaweed. It is then subjected to rigorous testing of Microbiology,
a certificate of purity to ensure the quality of the dried seaweed fresh
seaweed is then issued.
make up 10 to 30% of the mass of our cells, they have a variety of functions
and main structural role. Amino acids, the basic units of proteins are
essential for the skin, bones, muscles, blood, organs, hair, nails, teeth

levels are as high as 55 to 70% in the AFA. We have all the essential amino
acids in an almost perfect balance for the human body. Added to those, the
semi-essential amino acids and non-essential, but also the basic structure of
DNA and RNA, peptides remedial neuropeptides of nerve cells and the protein
essential in the fight against free radicals: the enzyme superoxide dismutase
are complex carbohydrates formed by a combination of simple sugars.
structural polysaccharides are the plant cell wall and are essential to the
proper functioning of our intestines.
play an important role in the removal of heavy metals in our body and
strengthen the immune system.

that the more unsaturated fatty acid is more beneficial it is for us.
Unsaturated poly are essential to the proper functioning of the cardiovascular,
immune and nervous systems. And they have great anti inflammatory capacity
while stabilizing cholesterol. Our system knows synthesize but two omega 6 and
omega 3.
role of Omega 3: preventive against all cardiovascular diseases, immunosuppressant,
arthritis, mental problems, many forms of cancer (breast, prostate, pancreas,
colon) Struggle against cholesterol, platelet aggregation, some neuropathies
associated with diabetes.
intake required: 8 to 11g linoleic acid (omega 6) 0.8g à1.1g alpha-linolenic
acid (omega 3)
55% of the fatty acids are unsaturated AFA. The exceptionally high level of
linoleic acid per 1 g dry AFA is 3.1mg and 12mg of alpha linolenic acid, those
who made a vital source of high quality lipids without modification.
It is
thanks to these vitamins that our cells use other nutrients, essential are all
contained in the AFA, even missing B12 for vegans.
Provitamin A (beta-carotene) 2400 ER
B 1 Thiamine 4.8 mg
Niacin B3 or PP 133.3 mg
B5 A. 0.1 mcg Pantothenic
B6 Pyrodoxine 11.1 mg
B8 H or Biotin 0.3 mcg
B9 A. 1.0 mg folic
Cobalamin B12 8.0 mcg
C A. 666.7 mg ascorbic
E Tocopherol 0.1 IU
J Choline 2.3 mg
International Units / ER: Retinol Equivalent
bodies needs 7 minerals in moderate amounts and 12 in smaller amounts called
are combined with other nutrients to ensure the proper functioning of the body.
Currently pesticides and irradiation of fruits and vegetables deplete the
content of minerals and vitamins, more minerals, treated water or bottled water
is no longer useful to the body as it has lost its ionization.
elements, catalysts cellular metabolism, are essential for the functioning of
the body. In AFA, vitamins and minerals in perfect balance make it an ideal
nutritional supplement for our health.
trace elements present in 1 g dry AFA:
Boron 40.0 mcg iodine l.ig 0.5
0.5 mcg chromium, 3.3 mcg Molybdenum
Cobalt 2.0 mg, 5.3 mg Nickel
4.0 gg Copper, Selenium 0.7 mcg
Tin 0.5 mg, 186.7 mg Silica
Iron 350.7 mg, 23.3 Titanium lig
Fluor 38.0 mcg Vanadium 2.7 l.ig
Germanium 0.3 mg, 18.0 mg Zinc
The Mineral Salts:
Calcium (Ca) 14 mg
Hardness of bones and teeth,
membrane permeability, transmission of nerve impulses.
Muscle contraction, regulation
of heart rate, blood clotting, activation of certain enzymes and prevention of
Magnesium (Mg) 2.2 mg
Necessary for muscle and nerve
appropriate response.
Promotes the absorption of
calcium by the bones.
Involved in many biological
Phosphorus (P) 5.1 mg
Component of bones and teeth.
Important for the storage and
transfer of energy, the activity
muscle and nerve and cell
Contributes to the maintenance
of the intracellular osmotic pressure.
Essential to the propagation
and transmission of nerve impulses, the contraction
muscle contraction, muscle
glycogenesis in gluconeogenesis and
protein synthesis.
Sodium (Na +) 2.7 mg
Maintains the extracellular
osmotic pressure.
Contributes to acid-base
balance of the blood.
Essential for neuromuscular
Ensure the transport of
glucose and other nutrients.
· His great wealth unmatched nutritional
Its structural strength that prevents it from being genetically
modified, its radiation resistance (100 times more than any other product)
His connection with all other forms of life through:the cell membrane
close to that of the human being
Its identical to the cellular structure of bacteria
Its photosynthetic capacity as plant chlorophyll
The fundamental vibration primal life bovis to 190,000 units due to its
environment already very special life telluric level. This is one of the first
organisms appeared on earth.

detoxification, the AFA does the same job as Chlorella but with a dose 10 times
smaller. In addition, AFA seeks heavy metals in 95% of the body, directly in
organs and tissues, even the brain. Chlorella acts only in the intestine.
with Spirulina PH 8.3 to 10, the AFA has a neutral PH equal to our blood PH
Polyunsaturated fatty acids are almost nonexistent in Spirulina with a
significant amount of saturated fatty acids, which is not the case of the AFA
Higher vitamin content for AFA: 3600mcg / g against 980mcg / g Spirulina
Mineral content: 23 AFA against 10 Spirulina
AFA contains a lot of iron and the elements necessary for its
assimilation as Vitamin C and molybdenum. While Spirulina does not contain
Vitamin C
conclusion, according to the studies of sensitive crystallization Laboratory
Biophysis in 1995 comparing quality, vitality and availability, AFA is well
above Spirulina and Chlorella.
AFA has been approved in France since 20/09/2007 and is also approved as a product that is
extremely high in nutritional properties and health benefits.
studies, conducted since 1990 demonstrate the effectiveness of viral diseases,
chronic fatigue, depression disorders, inflammatory diseases and fibromyalgia.
Omega 3 essential fatty acids exceptional amount
Stimulating the mobilization and migration of immune cells and
macrophage activity
Stimulation of brain function, improved mood
Optimizing the regeneration of the body
Fight against disruption due to pollution (electromagnetic, chemical and
emotional), and against aging
Studies carried out:1989 Professor Fukino shows that AFA plays a
protective role against kidney toxicity of heavy metals, 1984 Pore biologist
confirms that the polysaccharides of AFA promote attachment and removal of
pesticides in the intestines, 1998 Scientific Vadiraja demonstrates the
essential role of chlorophyll and phycocyanin (pigments abundant in AFA) in the
chelation Dr. Klinghart had spectacular results with AFA in his famous
detoxification process.
Cardiovascular protection with antioxidants (chlorophyll phycocianine,
carotene), its outstanding content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (studies
neurophysiologist Christian Drapeau in 2000), and Omega 3 in abundance
Anti Bacterial Protection: Studies Professor Ostenwik 1998 bacteria
Stimulation of the immune system, stimulates the migration of NK cells,
studies by the National Cancer Institute in 1985 on the cancer research on
dietary factors, concluding that the FAA allows our body to develop
immune-stimulating substances that cause destruction cancer cells before they
multiply and form a tumor.
In January 2000 Professor Jensen made an experiment on human volunteers
who consummated 1.5g of AFA, it has been observed in the two hours that
followed, the migration of 40% of NK cells, NK-eating infected or cancerous
cells out blood flow to thereby increase the immune surveillance in tissues.
This process is accentuated course with regular consumption of AFA, but has
never been observed with any other food or natural substance Clean
polysaccharide AFA is responsible for this immune stimulation and migration of
natural killer cells in tissue to destroy abnormal cells.
Fight against inflammation: thanks to its exceptionally high level of Omega
3 essential fatty acids including linolenic (12mg / g) and a blue pigment
Phycocyanin component 15% of the dry weight of the AFA.

Fight against free radicals: The causes are many cellular oxidation,
chronic inflammation, disease, pollution of all kinds including
electromagnetic, tobacco, drugs, x-ray and gamma, wifi, emotion, stress,
acid-base imbalance ... system, causing premature aging and genetic
aberrations. With its specific and potent antioxidants, chlorophyll,
phycocyanin, various carotenoids, the enzyme superoxide dismutase and acting
elements such as synergy vitamine C, E, copper, selenium, zinc .... AFA will
help effectively combat oxidation.
Effects on the nervous system: Increased mental faculties, improved
mood, antidepressant, increased energy, thanks to the concentration of a
neuromodulator: The phenylethylamine or PEA 2mg / g of AFA. But the AFA also
has two precursors of PEA: phenylalanine and tyrosine, in addition to a large
number of essential nutrients to help and restore the nervous system and the

Stimulates brain activity and some active regeneration process.
Professor Jensen in 2001 showed that only 10 minutes after taking the AFA,
there is improvement in concentration and intellectual capacity
Acts on attention deficit disorder: In 1992 Professor Karl J. Abrams
after study demonstrates beneficial effects on improving the academic
performance of 1482 children from 64 to 81% after consumption of AFA 1g per day
over a year of use. Causing a change in behavior: more concentration, more
attention, less anxiety, less depression and aggression.
Improved mood: PEA is recognized as one molecule of joy
Fights Depression: According to studies, 10mg/day PEA helped reduce
symptoms of depression in 60% of patients with no side effects and no weight
Applies to the states of dependency: With the PEA helps physical and
mental detoxification cessation tobacco, alcohol and drugs.
Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease: In 1985 Dr. Gabriel Cousens
evidenced in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medical Society, the qualities of
improving brain function AFA his patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease.
Cases of improvement in patients with Parkinson's disease were also
documented through the chelating effects of the AFA and its actions. migration
of stem cells.
Stem cells:

this information is from the book of Anne Marie Pietri "The most complete
food on the planet Blue Green Algae AFA " Published Lanore.
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